Our Assessor, Lisa Bennett, is the official who estimates the value of real property within the Town’s boundaries. This value is converted into an assessment, which is one component in the computation of real property tax bills. The Town of Livonia is the designated assessing authority for the Town and Village of Livonia, and for the School Districts for Town of Livonia properties. The Town of Livonia assesses at 100% of market value.
Please Let Us Know
To ensure that our assessment records reflect the most current mailing address, please notify this office of any mailing address changes. This will help ensure you receive important tax and assessment information.
To ensure that our assessment records reflect the most current mailing address, please notify this office of any mailing address changes. This will help ensure you receive important tax and assessment information
Important Legal Dates on
the Assessment Calendar
Taxable status date: March 1st
Tentative assessment roll filed: May 1st
Grievance day: The Wednesday following the fourth Tuesday in May
Final assessment roll filed: July 1st
All exemptions must be filed by March 1st.
Additional Information
Forms may be obtained at:
Mail completed forms to:
Town of Livonia
Assessor’s Office
PO Box 43
Livonia, NY 14487 -
For additional information on tax rates, assessment roll information, property data, or to obtain a copy of a tax map, please go to the Livingston County website.
The NYS Office of Real Property Tax Services website
Lisa Bennett
Assessor Hours
Monday 12 pm – 4:30 pm
Wednesday 9 am – 12 pm
Friday 9 am – 4:30 pm
Assessor's Clerk
Carlton Maxwell
Clerk's Hours
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Grievance Information
Information on challenging your assessment can be obtained at:
Grievance Night
The Board of Assessment Review meets to hear complaints on Assessments on the Wednesday in May following the fourth Tuesday between the hours of 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm.
Real Property Form 524 must be used to contest your assessment. Forms may be obtained at the Assessor’s Office or at:
Exemption Information
Basic Star: School Tax Exemption
Basic Star is available to anyone who owns and lives in his or her own home. The Basic Star for new home owners will have to be registered with the state. You can register 24 hours, 7 days a week at
Be sure to print a receipt after registering for proof you filed with the state for this exemption.
Enhanced Star: School Tax Exemption
If you have the Basic Star through the Assessor’s Office you may apply for the Enhanced Star there. It is available to senior homeowners if you are or will be 65 this year and whose income does not exceed the statewide standard. An annual application is required with proof of prior year’s income.
If you registered with the state for a Basic Star exemption or are new homeowners that are or will be 65 this year you must apply for the Enhanced Star with the state. You can register 24 hours, 7 days a week at
Be sure to print a receipt after registering for proof you filled with the state for this exemption.
Senior Low Income
Filing Deadline: March 1
Residential property owned by persons 65 years of age or older, owned by at least one of its owners for a minimum of 12 consecutive months prior to application, and who also meet the income guidelines, are eligible to be partially exempt from general municipal taxes. No exemption may be granted by a school district to property where a resident child attends a public school. No exemptions are allowed for special districts, such as fire districts. An annual application is required with proof of income from prior year. Qualified applicants automatically are eligible for Enhanced STAR.
Low Income Disabled
Filing Deadline: March 1
Property that (1) is owned by one or more persons who are designated disabled, and (2) is used exclusively for residential purposes, is partially exempt from general municipal taxes. No exemption may be granted by a school district to property where a resident child attends a public school. An annual application with prior year household income is required.
To obtain income limits, visit the NYS Website.
Agriculture Land and Building
Filing Deadline March 1
For information on the Livingston County Ag District
To obtain or amend an Ag soil worksheet:
Livingston County SWCD
District Formed: March 9, 1942
Address:11 Megan Drive, Suite 2, Geneseo, NY 14454
Phone: (585) 243-0043
Fax: (585) 243-0107
WQCC Contact: Jon P. White, 11 Megan Dr., Geneseo, NY