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Village Department of Public Works

The Village DPW is responsible for signage, maintenance and the plowing of 19 village streets consisting of approximately 10 lane miles of streets and 6.5 miles of sidewalk. In addition the DPW is responsible for 5 municipal parking lots, and the buildings and grounds at 3 parks and the Village DPW/office. We also repair and maintain the village storm water systems and our fleet of equipment. As the seasons change, so too do the many services we provide our residents.  Throughout the Spring and Summer our many duties include planting and maintaining public gardens, picking up of yard waste and brush and leaves, trimming and removing street trees, and hanging flags and flower baskets from our decorative light poles. In the winter we take great pride in hanging the Village Christmas decorations and keeping our streets and sidewalks safe for motorists and pedestrians. We are always doing something different and we love it that way. Thank you for your support.


Public Works Foreman

Chris Hoffmann

Public Works Crew
Tyler Strickland

Brian Cryer


Contact Information


(p) 585-346-2010
(f) 585-572-6537


Emergency Contacts


Chris Hoffmann: 585-314-8255
Tyler Strickland: 585-831-0974
Brian Crye: 585-500-8258

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